Couverture médiatique du Sémaphore de Lervily, gîte de luxe vue mer en Bretagne


We are deligthed to have been handpicked to feature on the French iconic design show "La Maison France 5" as well as to be featured on the National News

La Maison France 5

Le Sémaphore de Lervily introduced by Stéphane Thébaut de "La Maison France 5". For our British viewers, La Maison France 5 is the French equivalent of "Grand Design" and Stéphane is our national Kevin Mcloud.

In September 2020, we had the pleasure to welcome Stéphane Thébaut and the team from La Maison France 5 during their first ever visit to the Quimper area.
The Sémaphore was specifically picked as their main feature with a full 15 minutes of shooting. A few weeks later the show changed format and broadcaster so this is now a collector !

France 3

Le Sémaphore de Lervily as featured on the French National News

We also had the pleasure to welcome the team from France 3 (French State TV channel) for a special program called "Destination Ouest" which is shot as part of the News. This section is presenting unusal properties in the West of France. The Semaphore was Initially shown on the regional Evening News but due to its success was moved to the National News a few days later.

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